Gifts for Women

Great gift ideas for her

If you are here, you need a gift for HER, so we will help. To make it easier to find gifts, we have collected a wide range of handmade products for women! Beautiful and original jewelry is a “must-have” for her. Among modern and authentic clothes you will definitely find the most suitable for the required season. The wide range of cosmetics includes special and Latvian-made products that will be a wonderful addition to the daily beauty routine! Finding gifts should be easy, especially for HER!

Baltic ceramics

Beautiful earrings

Material choices are pretty impressive

We offer a wide range of ceramic works made by local craftsmen and artists. Original designs, traditional styles and shapes, saturated colours, special decors – you will definitely find the perfect ceramic gift!

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Baltic amber Explore and find some amber

It can be a small accessory or a practical, larger item that will make an immediate, pleasant change and brighten up your living space.

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Amber accessories for women

Women’s accessories

Everyday life is much more interesting with these items

Wide range of selected accessories for any woman. To make it easier to find gifts, we have collected a wide range of handmade products for women! Beautiful and original jewelry is a “must-have” for her. Among modern and authentic clothes you will definitely find the most suitable for the required season. The wide range of cosmetics includes special and Latvian-made products that will be a wonderful addition to the daily beauty routine!

Traditional jewelry Traditional jewelry
Amber money trees from Baltic Gifts Amber trees
Throw blankets Throw blankets
Wind chimes Wind chimes
Leather bracelets Leather bracelets
Leather wallets Leather wallets
Amber jewelry Amber jewelry
Adult games Adult games

You can always browse our main categories for even more great gift ideas and inspiration.

Baltic ceramics
Leather wallets selection of wallets for women

We offer a wide range of ceramic works made by local craftsmen and artists. Original designs, traditional styles and shapes, saturated colours, special decors – you will definitely find the perfect ceramic gift!

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Bracelets for every occasion Wide range of modern bracelets

It can be a small accessory or a practical, larger item that will make an immediate, pleasant change and brighten up your living space.

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Ideas for interior design